Henley Television Facilities is located in Henley Road, Auckland Park Johannesburg and is owned by the SABC. It is used for in-house programmes as well as being a rentable commodity.
The complex offers seven studios some of which are used on a permanent basis for SABC’s major productions.
Studio I
I I 2m2 (7.7m X 14.Sm, height to grid 9.4m)
Studio 2
I 40m2 ( I Om X 14m,height to grid 9.4m)
Studio 3
297m2 ( 16.Sm X I Sm, height to grid 9.4m)
Studio 4
305m2 ( 16.Sm X 18.Sm, height to grid 9.4m)
Studio 5
671m2 (22m X 30.Sm, height to grid 9.4m)
Studio 6
297m2 ( 16.Sm X I Sm, height to grid 9.4m)
Studio 7
305m2 ( 16.Sm X 18.Sm, height to grid 9.4m) Note: Studio 6 and 7 share one control room
All studios are soundproof, with a comprehensive lighting grid which employs mechanical monopoles to hang lights, and are air-conditioned.
In addition HenleyTelevision Facilities offers:
- Dressing rooms
- Green rooms
- Catering areas
- Vehicle access to studio floors
- Telephone lines and internet
- Offices
- Set storage
- Audience seating
Recent shoots include: Generations, lsidingo,Muvhango, Spirit Sunday, Noot vir Noot,Asikhulume,Interface and Gare Dumele.
Contact person: Marius Janse van Rensburg
Tel: + 27 I I 714-6405
Cell: + 27 83 413-6405
Fax: +27 11714-5500
e-mail: jvrensbm@sabc.co.za
Website: Website under construction