Resource Centre

Guidelines for Location Filming in Gauteng

The GFC’s Guidelines for Location Filming in Gauteng clarifies roles and responsibilities, gives filmmakers clear guidance on location filming requirements and provides information on locations with particular requirements. The document includes a locations code of conduct, tips for “green” filming, general location filming guidelines, legislation affecting filming as well as proposals for dealing with shoots that contravene permit conditions.

Guide to Getting Started in Film and TV

Getting into the film, TV and digital media industry is not only an art but a skill. To help you become a part of this exciting and evolving media landscape, the GFC has compiled a valuable Guide to Getting Started in Film and TV to help aspiring young filmmakers find entry opportunities.

Access to Information Manual

GFC Annual Reports

A to Z Guide to Studios in Gauteng

The GFC’s Guidelines for Location Filming in Gauteng clarifies roles and responsibilities, gives filmmakers clear guidance on location filming requirements and provides information on locations with particular requirements. The document includes a locations code of conduct, tips for “green” filming, general location filming guidelines, legislation affecting filming as well as proposals for dealing with shoots that contravene permit conditions.