Genesis Studio is located in Wessels Road in Rivonia, Johannesburg in the premises ofTelemedia (Pty) Ltd – the major supplier of satellite and microwave links within South Africa. Genesis Studio is a single studio facility.
7m x 14m With a height of 4.Sm, soundproofed, air-conditioned, level floor. 3 x camera chains, lighting, and control room.
In addition Genesis Studio offers:
- Make-up and dressing rooms
- Greenroom
- Docking areas
- Storage areas
- Catering areas
- Good access into studio
- Telephone lines and internet
- Generator
Recent shoots include: Kingdom Life Network
Contact person: Peter Bretherick
Tel: +27 I I 803-3353
Cell: +27 82 562-1535
Fax: +27 I I 803-2534