The Gauteng Film Commission and City Varsity present a skills training opportunity in the following fields: Acting, Directing and editing short courses.

The courses provide an overview of operational processes in the film and television production business and its operational processes. For more details see attached course overview. These short programmes upgrade skills and knowledge to ensure success in a chosen field of learning, but are credit bearing and registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).

 DURATION: 3 months                                

COURSE DATES:  Start on the 7 July 2018

TIMES: 08h30 – 14h00, Saturdays                                    

COST:  Tuition sponsored by GFC

Interested  candidates from Gauteng are invited to submit their applications as per the criteria on the selected course form by the 2nd July 2018 at 15h00 to Nthabeleng Phora on:  or for further information call (011) 833 0409. Applicants are required to complete the enrolment contract and program form.

There are 10 places available for each course!


Important Notice:

  • It is compulsory for all applicants to attend all classes and are required to pass the module. Failure to meet this requirement learners will be liable to refund the GFC the course fee.
  • The GFC will not be offering Stipends


  • Enrolment contract for 2018
  • Short Programme in Acting for Camera
  • Short Programme in Digital Video Editing
  • Short Programme in Directing