box office

  • The total South Africa’s (SA) box office receipts in the first half of 2017 were R568.1 million, down 3% compared to 2016;
  • A total of 106 films were released in South African cinemas, out of these only 10 were SA produced;
  • Of the 10 SA produced films, 40% (4) of the films were partially NFVF funded earning R22.9 million in total at box office;
  • The box office share of SA produced films was 5%, down from 7% in 2016.
  • The top earning releases in 2017 were Fast and Furious 8, Beauty and the Beast, as well as Fifty Shades Darker;
  • Action was the most popular genre among SA cinema-goers in 2017, followed by Action/Adventure and Animation. Drama films had the highest proportion of releases;
  • A total of 23 3D/4DX/IMAX format films were released in 2017, up from 18 in 2016; their earnings accounted for 65% of the box office revenues, up from 54% in 2016.

Read the full report here.