The GFC wishes to let our industry stakeholders know, one of our greatest treasures Ms. Puisano Phatoli is leaving the GFC and the 29th March 2018 will be her last day.
Many of you have worked with Puisano since the early days of the organisation, from the Gauteng Film Office through the transition to being the Gauteng Film Commission. Puisano has worked through various positions in the company, and the institutional memory the GFC and the industry will be losing is unimaginable.
The GFC would like to take this moment to acknowledge the deep gratitude we have for Puisano’s many kindnesses and unwavering support during all of the years that we worked with her. We appreciate her work and the effort she has extended over the years. Puisano’s service is indeed much valuable and it would be hard to replace her. We wish her all the best.
It has been a great pleasure working with a colleague like Puisano. Now, she is off to her next big adventure. Good luck and farewell.